ABA (Applied Behaviour Analysis) vs PBS (Positive Behaviour Support)

So, you read our previous blog post and you are now at a crossroads. You are trying to decide which method to choose to develop your child/young persons behaviour skills. All children/young people are unique, and a conversation with a member of our Senior team may clear up any questions or concerns you may have. You're more than welcome to reach out to us, but before getting in touch with our team, it might be useful to take a moment to read some key information below, and get a better understanding of both ABA and PBS.

What are the differences between ABA and PBS?

ABA is a scientific approach that helps people learn new behaviours and improve existing ones by ‘applying’ techniques based on behavioural principles. PBS is a proactive and holistic approach to addressing challenging behaviours by creating a supportive environment and teaching people alternative, more adaptive behaviours.

ABA focuses on modifying behaviour by changing ‘what happens before’ (antecedent)  and/or after the target behaviour (consequence). This could be challenging behaviour/ unwanted behaviours or learning a new skill. PBS primarily emphasises proactive strategies by changing the environment by addressing ‘what happens before’ and providing support. This means if the behaviour is dangerous (the individual can harm themself, others or property destruction), then PBS is preferred, because we want to minimise risk and disruptions.

The down side of PBS is that it focuses on the events or triggers before the behaviour, and doesn’t directly address the consequence or what happens after the behaviour.  This means that PBS may offer fewer opportunities for immediate learning compared to ABA, potentially resulting in a longer time frame for achieving behaviour change.

However, the most important distinction between ABA and PBS, is how well suited it is to your child/young person's needs, to maximise behaviour change and provide a supportive learning environment. 

If you still need help deciding, send us an email to shanay.nj@headstartaba.org and we will have our lead consultants get in touch.

At HeadStart we understand the importance of providing information in accessible formats to meet the diverse needs of our service users. We can provide information in different forms for example in another language, large print, easy-read materials, and technologies such as text-to-speech or audio. To request information in another format, contact us by phone or email. Shanay.nj@headstartaba.org or mobile 07988860033.

Gareth Cobb