Tips to make bath time more fun

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All too often it can be a battle getting your child to have a bath. It can be especially difficult if they have speech and language difficulties or autism or sensory processing problem as they may not understand the world around them. 

Tip 1 - Visual aids to support your child’s understanding

Visual aids can be used for just about anything! Print or take a photo of all of the steps needed to have a bath, for example, your bathroom, your child getting changed, your child in the bath (preferably calm). 

Showing your child the process before it happens will help them remain calm.

Tip 2 - Turn washing into a fun game or song

Singing or playing a game during bath time is a great way to build language and social interaction skills such as eye contact. Singing songs about which body parts to wash is a great way to distract your child and keep engaged for longer. 

Tip 3 - Keep bath time short

If your child is sensitive to bathing then it is best to keep bathtime short and sweet. You can use a timer on your phone or a countdown to signal when they can get out.

Reward - Reward - Reward!!!

Remember that if this is challenging for them remember to offer a reward (e.g. playing with a special toy) the reward must be something that they actually want and social praise is likely not going to be enough. 

Using these 3 tips might help make your child’s bath time more fun and less stressful for you.

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Gareth Cobb